The journey of Tuberculosis

The journey of Tuberculosis

 राष्ट्रिय डेली

Krishna Das,BNMT NEPAL

“It started from the very severe pain in my back and then swelling of glands, lumps started to develop in different parts of my body. When I was in kapilvastu and then after a few days my husband and I went to Butwal hospital for the further checkups where we spent almost 30 thousand and few days ,we got to know that this pain was the symptoms of Tuberculosis which bacteria was growing in my body. After few tests at hospital, I was diagnosed ‘Gland TB’ for the 1 st time which was one of the most painful situation of my life. I started to take medicine of Tuberculosis from one of the health institutions of Butwal for 1 month 3 days and then after my husband brought to me Itahari,Sunsari where he was working in a computer shop in daily wages. I have no idea how my husband knew about this place Nepal Anti-tuberculosis association (NATA) DR hostel where I am living now for the treatment from last 5 months.”

Being a woman, it was one of the great days of her life, the day she got pregnant but this happiness didn’t last forever. Her 1 st baby died at the 9 month of pregnancy and after a years she
gave birth to another baby and after 6 month she lost that baby also. She comes from a very lower middle class family where she dropped out school at the age of 9 and didn’t get a chance
to study and got married at the very early age. As Parvati was sharing her story, she was very sad remembering the worse phases of her life she went through. Her husband didn’t leave her hand at any moment of her life and she is very happy and proud of her husband. He sometime visits here at NATA to meet his wife. Parbati has completed 5 months of her treatment here at NATA DR Hostel. She is getting better and not having any complications.

She says about her stay at DR hostel “Here at NATA, I eat 4 times a day starting from the breakfast at 8am in the morning, followed by 1 glass of milk at 11am, lunch and dinner at night. I
feel very happy now days living here in NATA and getting essentials like proper new bed, blankets, jacket, hygiene kits and many more basic things provided by BNMT, NEPAL. This
helps patient like us to fight physically and mentally, feeling like there are people who care for us and take stand for us in need. I whole heartedly thank BNMT, Nepal for this support in this
situation.”BNMT NEPAL has supported low-beds, blankets, jackets, woolen caps, slippers, mattress, pillows, hygiene kits (Sanitation materials) and other essential goods to Nepal Anti-
tuberculosis Association (NATA) for the DR hostel under the SUSTAIN-V PROJECT funded by AMERICARES. The SUSTAIN project aims to Support TB patients by provision of warm clothing, blankets, and sanitation materials and to supply emergency basic equipment including bedding, beds and warm clothes to DR TB patient at DR Hostel.

सम्बन्धित समाचार

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